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Post Covid employment & labour market
There is no returning to the pre-pandemic world. In just a few months, priorities have changed in almost every sphere of our lives. While getting used to other forms of […]
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Photography & Art Classes for Young People
On 3 October 2020 we will start 4U Art and Photography classes for young people aged 13-18 in New Start 4U! The courses we have prepared for young people are […]
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Top 10 most popular University subjects!
Discovering the Top Ten most popular University subjects, is one of the easiest ways to discover which universities in the United Kingdom, and their subjects, are the best for your […]
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Gabriela’s success story of getting a job
In New Start 4U we offer comprehensive advice on employability for job seekers. Our service includes, among others, creation of a professional CV, preparation for an interview, career advice and […]
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Digital Skills FREE courses at New Start 4U!
New Start 4U is a non-profit community organisation helping to support people to make the most of the online world. We work, on a day to day basis, with people […]
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English Courses Online – How do they work?
Would you like to communicate in English without problems? Smoothly and efficiently? Do you want to be able to read English websites, write emails or talk to people from all […]
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Join Our Free Program of Career Development!!!
Join Our Free Program of Career Development!!! Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many people are currently struggling to find work. If you live in Coventry and are unemployed, we can […]
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LIVE Online English Courses with New Start 4U!
To meet the needs of our Clients and the current trends, New Start 4U launches LIVE Online English Courses  – A fantastic opportunity to learn English online! Knowledge of English […]
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Student Finance in the Great Britain
Student Finance in Great Britain Studying in the UK is an opportunity to gain high-quality knowledge, valuable experience or fluency in English. All this will increase your chances in the […]
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English Courses at New Start 4U
Would you like to improve your English? Knowledge of English will effectively help you make new contacts with interesting people. Regardless of whether you use a foreign language in science, business, travel or […]
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When the first cases of Covid – 19 virus were announced in the UK on 30th January 2020, none of us knew how our life would change  at that moment. Less than 8 weeks later,  March 23rd 2020 the Prime Minister Boris Johnson had announced […]
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Coronavirus Guidance for Employees
Staying at home If you have symptoms of coronavirus infection (COVID-19), however mild, stay at home and do not leave your house for 7 days from when your symptoms started. […]
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