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English Courses

We offer private tutoring face to face and online – £25 per hour. See below for more details!
If you would like to improve your English skills in any specific subject such as health care or medical English, English for Law, Business English – please contact us to find more about our personalised offer.

General English

  • Intensive courses for all levels, ranging from starter to advanced
  • 3 months-long course starting in September, January, and April
  • 3-hour lesson three times per week, with a choice between mornings and evenings
  • Face-to-face and online Zoom classes available; access to all learning materials and to the online learning platform are included in the course price
General English 9 hours/week
4-weeks advance payment £360
12 weeks payment £1080 – with single we offer 3 hours of one-to-one personal language coaching.

IELTS preparation/Business English

  • Join anytime in the year
  • 3-hour lesson twice per week, mornings, evenings, and Saturdays available
  • Face-to-face and online Zoom classes available; access to online platform included in price
  • Discounts available for future university students
IELTS preparation/Business English/Medical English 6 hours weekly for 8 weeks
4 weeks payment £288
8 weeks payment £540

One-to-One Private Lessons

  • Tailored sessions with experienced, native English speakers
  • Private tutoring includes General English, IELTS Preparation, or Business English available at all levels
  • Access to learning platform included in price
Private Tutoring
Payment per lesson £25 10% dicount when purchasing 10 or more hours

Saturday Classes – General English

  • Join anytime in the year
  • 4-hour lesson on Saturday from 10.00 – 14.00
  • Access to all learning recourses, online platform and mobile application included in the price
  • Discounts available for future university students
Saturday General English classes 4 hours weekly for 8 weeks
4 weeks payment £200
8 weeks payment £380