Continuous Improvement – 3.5 hours – £10
Identify the stages in the continuous improvement cycle
State the benefits that continuous improvement can deliver
Use a number of different techniques to implement continuous improvement initiatives
Involve people in continuous improvement in order to gain their commitment and support
Identify the stages in the continuous improvement cycle
State the benefits that continuous improvement can deliver
Delivering Quality – 3 hours – £10
When you have completed this course, you will be able to:
Define quality
Describe the key concepts of quality control, quality assurance, quality management and continuous improvement
Outline the quality systems and standards that have been defined to provide customers with an independent quality assurance
Identify systems and tools that can be used to analyse and improve quality standards
Effectiveness and Efficiency – £3 hours – £10
This interactive online course provides a helpful introduction to boosting the efficiency and effectiveness of your business. Designed to introduce business people of all levels to the concept of efficiency and effectiveness, this course will teach you how to:
distinguish between effectiveness and efficiency
achieve a good balance between the two
improve effectiveness and efficiency within your organisation
Performance Indicators – 3 hours – £10
Successfully set-up and use a performance management system in your workplace.
Successful businesses have clear goals and a strategy in place to achieve them. Each team knows what it has to do to achieve those goals and how its performance will be measured. If you want to find out about performance management, this course will teach you all you need to know.
You’ll learn how to measure performance, and why it’s important to do so. You’ll find out the different ways in which your organisation’s stakeholders might want to measure performance. You’ll also learn how to set up and use a performance management system in your workplace.
Understanding Quality – 3.5 hours – £10
Explain the concepts of quality, quality assurance and quality control
Describe the benefits of quality improvement
Understand the costs of quality
Explain quality management
Identify practical and positive steps to improve quality to meet requirements