The achieved aim was to provide motivational workshops, entryways into employment and additional language services for those aged 18-67. The service targeted individuals previously not receiving financial support or seeking work. The service has sought out a number of clients across the Coventry and Warwickshire area, providing support for a diverse demographic. The initial target was to support 16 people. However, this goal was quickly met and a total of 32 individuals have been entered into the programme. A large percentage of those involved in the project enrolled in the English language courses provided at New Start 4 U, gaining valuable experience, and leaving the programme showing evident progress in the use of an additional language. The motivational workshops provided helped to further assimilate those on the course into the local community.
Furthermore, the team set out to provide a gateway into education for two students, meeting this target early into the six-month programme. Not only this, but the team also set out to see 7 individuals find employment. As a result of the teams’ combined efforts, the programme has succeeded in securing work for 10 participants, exceeding the predicted outcome.
One participant, Sandra Williams has attained several beneficial skills from her support under the Next Step programme. Sandra has participated in a number of the provided services, taking part in both motivational and confidence building workshops. Upon gaining a newfound sense of confidence, Sandra has been able to develop a professional CV and attend several interview preparation sessions. Utilising these opportunities, Sandra has expanded her communication skills within a workplace environment, opening a number of employment options for the future.