Current Projects:
Enhancing Wellbeing for New Communities
Talking Therapies Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull – 2024

Our project, funded by the Mental Health Alliance Coventry and Warwickshire, aims to promote the NHS Talking Therapies service among migrants and unemployed people in Coventry. Talking Therapies is a free and confidential service that offers counselling, cognitive behavioural therapy, and other forms of psychological support for people who are experiencing common mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, stress, and trauma. Our project will:
- Reach out to the migrant communities and local areas through campaigns and partnerships with relevant organizations.
- Train our staff to recognize and refer people who may benefit from Talking Therapies.
- Incorporate Talking Therapies into our existing workshops and training that aim to improve the confidence, motivation, employability, and digital skills of our participants.
- Offer individual support and guidance to our participants who access Talking Therapies.
We hope that our project will help improve the mental health and well-being of our target groups and reduce the barriers and stigma associated with seeking professional help.
Previous Projects:
Employability programmes part funded by the European Social Fund

Ambition2 works with anyone aged 16-29 who lives in Coventry and is not in any form of employment, education or training. Ambition2 supports young people in a range of ways, including:
- Developing key life skills, including literacy and numeracy. We offer English (ESOL) courses online and in the centre
- Confidence building and Motivational Skills
- Skills development training and workshops
- Specialist Careers Information Advice and Guidance, CV writing, interview skills preparation
- Qualifications, learning and training
- Work experience, paid placement, traineeships and apprenticeships
To find out more about Ambition2 and how the programme could help you, please contact one of our professional Employability Mentors at or 024 7767 1470.

The Routes2 programme is for people in Coventry aged between 15 and 24 who are unemployed or inactive and are looking for help to reach their potential. Routes2 will also help you find and sign up for a range of other programmes and courses open to young people in Coventry. Routes2 is part funded by the European Social Fund.
On the Routes2 programme we can support you with the following:
- Developing key life skills, including literacy and numeracy. We offer English (ESOL) courses online and in the centre
- Advice with money, health and wellbeing as well as specialist training in these subjects
- Skills development training and workshops
- Specialist Careers Information Advice and Guidance, CV writing, interview skills preparation
- Vocational learning in various subjects
To find out more about Routes2 and how the programme could help you, please contact one of our professional Employability Mentors at or 024 7767 1470.

Connect2 offers free employability and skills support for unemployed or inactive Coventry residents age 16 + who are looking for a job or for skills and careers development.
Connect2 can help you address labour market barriers such as disabilities and mental health issues. The project understands the unique and complex barriers which deter people from engaging in employment-focused programmes. Connect2 is part funded by the European Social Fund.
Connect2 can support you in a range of ways, including:
- Getting into education, training or employment
- One-to-one Information, Advice, and Guidance and employability coaching and mentoring
- Skills development: courses, training, and workshops
- Raising aspirations, resilience, and independence
- Skills and confidence building
To find out more about Connect2 and how the programme could help you, please contact one of our professional Employability Mentors at or 024 7767 14702.
Groundwork Project
Between July 2019 and December 2022, we ran three employability programmes funded by Groundwork, offering support to unemployed jobseekers from Coventry and Warwickshire.
Our services included:
- Career information, advice, and guidance
- CV writing and interview preparation
- Employability skills training
- English ESOL courses and various training workshops
- Digital skills training
- Confidence-building and motivational skills workshops
- General support and advice for self-employment start-up

- Basic Digital Skills courses for everyone who would like to learn how to live in the digital world
- You will learn how to:
- – Use computers and smart phones and how to stay safe online
- – Internet skills: social media, emails, shopping
- – How to look for a job online, how to improve your health online and how to manage your money.
- Free confidence building workshops in English and Polish
- Qualifications Level 2 for our volunteers (Information Advice and Guidance)
- The contact point for migrants in case of reporting crime, homelessness, health or law problems.
- Free computer classes for beginners.
- Event – Making Bell Green Greener – gardening competition where the main price is a tablet!
- 85 – was unemployed, and:
- 49 – age 18-30
- 22 – in difficult situation such as disability, housing problems, depression, addiction
- 77 – found employment, education or training (in some cases more than 1 outcome per person)
- 57 – moved into employment
- 41 – took part in workshops and training which increased their confidence, skills and employability
- 15 – started volunteering
- 21 – started Further and Higher Education
- 7 moved into Further or Higher education
- 22 moved into employment (full time employment)
- 13 took part in CV/interview skills/confidence building and motivational skills workshops or English course
- 5 gained formal qualifications
- 2 began volunteering
BT Skills 4 Tomorrow
Active Citizen Fund – 2019 – Police Crime Commissioner (completed)
The project aim is to help Eastern European Migrants in Integration and community cohesion. We offer:Building Stronger Britain Together – Home Office
The project’s aim is to create more resilient communities, stan up to extremism in all its forms and offer vulnerable individuals a positive alternative regardless of race, faith, sexuality, age and gender.Community For All – 2019 – West Midlands Police
We offered a series of workshops related to Brexit, Hate Crime, Confidence Building and Integration. Workshops are delivered in English, Polish or Romanian.Voice Box Café project 2018 funded by Good Things Foundation
From June 2018 to Dec 2018 Voicebox Cafés took place in 36 Online Centres, celebrating 100 years of some women getting the right to vote. We delivered workshops to young women educate them on their rights and voice in politics. We delivered all workshops on time and with great success.
English My Way – Free ESOl English course financed by Good Things foundation 2018-2019
Project completed in February 2019. We should recruit 112 people with no or with limited English language skills and 76 should complete the course. We recruited almost 200 learners and over 100 completed the course, build their confidence and change their life for better.Careers advice and guidance for Eastern European Migrants
Feb 2016 – Feb 2017
Project funded by Big Lottery Fund (Awards for All) and Coventry City Council (2015-2016) Project: Careers advice and guidance for 20 – 30 unemployed migrants from Eastern Europe to build their confidence, skills and employability and move them into employment, education or training.Outcome:
The project was successful, completed a few months earlier and reached more people that we predicted. Up to August 2016 we helped 115 who visited our centre or were referred by other organisations.Dec 2015 – MAR 2016 – HARRY PAYNE FUND – HEART OF ENGLAND
Pilot Project aimed to help 5 – 7 young people age 16 – 24 to move into education, employment or training. Project was successful, in 3 months we helped 15 young people to achieve their goals.