The internet is essential. It enables work, friendships, healthcare and more.
But for too many people, it is unaffordable, with two million people struggling to afford their internet access.
As the cost-of-living crisis bites and people prioritise energy and food, there is a real risk that people will be forced offline.
That’s why we decided to work with Good Things Foundation’s National Databank to provide free mobile data and access to the internet to those people in Coventry who are unable to get online!
Think of it like a ‘food bank’ but for internet connectivity data.
The databank has been built with support from Virgin Media O2 and with data donated by Virgin Media, O2, Vodafone and Three.
To qualify for free data, you must be over-18 and from a low-income household, and in addition:
Have no access or insufficient access to the internet at home
And/or has no or insufficient access to the internet when away from the home
And/or cannot afford their existing monthly contract or top up
Want to find out more?
Contact us – we’ll help you to get online!